Our Therapy Gym:

Our warm, friendly environment is inviting for patients of all ages. We set up each session to provide an individualized program with tools and strategies to address each patient’s specific needs. Our state of the art children’s gym features adaptive equipment and technology while appealing to a child’s sense of curiosity and adventure. A rock climbing wall, a zip line, rope climb, climbing net swing and bouncy house are among the many tools we use to keep our therapy focused and our children happy. Quiet classrooms border the gym, where individuals receive one-on-one attention in a non-distracting environment.

Physical Therapy for Children
Our physical therapy intervention promotes developmental milestones from crawling, standing, walking, running, to even riding a bike! We address sensory motor abilities in line with the maturing and developing body system.

Occupational Therapy for Children
Our occupational therapists promote development and independence while improving visual-motor abilities, fine motor coordination (e.g. handwriting), organizational abilities, and sensory integration. The sensory integration allows the unconscious process in the brain to organize and understand information detected through senses such as taste, touch, hearing, sight, smell, gravity, movement, position and to respond to each situation in a purposeful manner.

Speech Therapy for Children
Our speech therapists treat speech and language disorders. A speech disorder is a problem with the actual production of sounds such as articulation, pitch, fluency and  volume. A language disorder refers to difficulty understanding or putting words together to communicate ideas. Speech therapy focuses on an individual’s ability to understand the spoken words and the ability to use those words for self-expression. Speech and language pathologists work with the mechanics of speech, helping individuals utilize their newly acquired speech skills to communicate with others.

Counseling for Children
We provide counseling and play therapy to guide children, adults, and families in socialization, appropriate behavior and coping skills.